What's this all about?
Are you interested in learning more about the exciting world of barbershop singing in our Evergreen District, of the Barbershop Harmony Society?
“Harmony” is our middle name!
The first thing you need to know is that Harmony is our middle name… not only 4-part harmony, but harmoniously building singing communities, promoting goodwill and harmony, and encouraging all generations to experience the harmony of togetherness.
If that’s of interest to you… please continue on and learn more about what it means to be part of the Evergreen District’s family of barbershoppers.
What else is going on in our Evergreen District?
Evergreen District has had a marvelous past and is looking forward to a great future of bringing singers together!
Look below at some of the photos and memories from our earlier days.
The Evergreen District was officially formed in 1947 when it broke off from the Far Western District to form the then-called Pacific Northwest Association of Chapters, SPEBSQSA, Inc.. Murph Murphy was elected District President; G.T. McDermott, Vice President; H.B. Molchior, Secretary; and, H.S. “Sam” Saari, Treasurer.
The District included the states of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. During the next three years, 28 chapters were formed! Six are still in existence today: Portland (now the Rose City Timberliners…and the longest running chapter in Evergreen), Tacoma (Tacoma Barbershop Harmony (AKA TotemAires), Lake Washington (which merged with Bellevue in 1991), Eugene (Cascade Chorus), and Seattle (Seattle SeaChordsmen). The Greater Vancouver Chapter (Gentlemen of Fortune)–although not a part of our District back then–was chartered in 1957, so they get included in this list, too!
Early highlights in our history include:
- The Mountain-Aires (Enumclaw, WA) becoming the first District Quartet Champions
- Adding British Columbia and Yukon Territory to Evergreen in 1950.
- In 1953, the Cascade Chorus became Evergreen’s first representatives to the International Chorus Contest. They finished 4th!
- In 1956, Cascade Chorus earned 2nd place in the International Chorus Contest.
- In 1977, The Most Happy Fellows, from EVG, won the title International Quartet Champions
- In 1987, Close Harmony Tradition from EVG, won the International Seniors Quartet. (see pic below)
- In 2005, REALTIME quartet became the second EVG Quartet to win the International Quartet Title.

EVERGREEN GOLD: The First 50 years!

The Evegreen Gold book (pdf format) tells the story of the early years in Evergreen District’s History from the beginnings in 1946 to 1997. Compiled and written by Ray Greaves and Ed Hartley to celebrate Evergreen’s 50th Anniversary.
The book is divided into the following chapters. Click on each chapter title to open the pdf (which you can download or read online)
The next chapter is being compiled and edited.
A SHOW TO REMEMBER! Brookings is right on the Pacific and was the center of the worst coastal storm in years, with resultant flood and slide conditions never before equalled. Barbershoppers in Brookings, Oregon will never forget October 1950. Neither will the hundred odd barbershoppers and wives from Portland, Klamath Falls and Eugene, Oregon who journeyed three to five hundred miles to help Brookings stage a Parade (like a quartet show) October 28th. Read the story that appeared in the March 1951 issue of the Harmonizer.