EVG District


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By: Sid Brown and Greg Kronlund

We all learn the Barber Pole Cat Songs so we can sing with other Barbershoppers on the spot. But have you noticed that every chapter has their own take, interpretation, and nuance to these over 100-year-old songs? Yes, we know that “Sweet and Lovely” is only about 53 years old.  Join the Barberpole Cat 1 Challenge 2024 to show off your own special take on one of these songs.  We challenge you to choose a Barberpole Cat 1 Song – video it – and send the video link to communications@evgdistrict.com.

Challenge Guidelines:

  1. Only Titles found in the official BHS Barberpole Cat 1 Book.

  2. We encourage adding verses for a new take on these old songs. Perhaps you’ll discover meaning in these songs you hadn’t thought of.

  3. Video’s No longer than 2 minutes 50 seconds.

  4. Phone videos are acceptable.

  5. The submitting organization must provide completed material and video link (no editing is available from the Facebook admins).

  6. Facebook postings for viewing, comments, and entertainment.

  7. We invite All organizations to participate.  Men only – Women only- and All Voice choruses and quartets are welcome.

  8. Extra Brownie points if you pick a song we seldom sing.

  9. Entries begin October 15th and end October 31st. Facebook postings will begin in November.

  10. Remember this is just for fun… show your unique take on these timeless songs.

Our EVG DISTRICT app has photos from the weekend –
 go to your APP store.

EVG 2024 Hall of Fame

Bob Robson

Kendall Williams announces that Bob Robson joins our EVG Hall of Fame.
Joe Hawe - BOTY



“like having EVG in your pocket”

Go to your APP Store
and add “EVG DISTRICT”

EVG Attendees to HU2024

What is Barbershop all about?

Yep, that’s a good question! 

This great video will show what’s going on right now.  It was included in a recent BHS Timeline. 

HCNW Platoon Qtt


As of January 7, 2024, this website had 40,988 views.