EVG District

December 13, 2024: Chapter Presidents please fill in this survey

membership TIPS, tools and ideas

Membership growth is not accidental. It takes work – and it’s worth it!!

Some things have to be seen to be believed.  But on the other hand, some things have to be believed to be seen.

Our singing together is a TEAM SPORT – it requires everyone to be prepared and supportive of each others’ skills, it requires endurance, stamina, and training.  It really can’t be laid down for a while and picked back up at the same level as when one stopped.

Best part of our sport is that we have good times being together – and there are no bruises!… Plus, we get to show off what we do best – and that’s SING!

Fun - Friendships

and SINGING!!!!


“You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing there will be no results.”

Mahatma Gandhi

A healthy membership program is a giant swirling circle in time focusing on finding, attracting, recruiting, and retaining members.

Keep in mind, that we need to be constantly open to change:

  • Reinvent what we do to keep current members enthusiastically coming week after week,
  • Revitalize the chapter’s image to attract new members
  • Redesign membership tools and methods to make it easy to convert guest to a member.
  • Encourage communications to stay open with former members

MOTIVATION is ongoing



  • Tell people what their responsibilities are, and give them authority equal to the responsibilities assigned to them.
  • Set standards of excellence and provide them with training that will enable them to meet the standards.
  • Give them knowledge and information.
  • Provide them with feedback on their performance.
  • Recognize them for their achievements.
  • Trust them.
  • Give them permission to fail.
  • Treat them with dignity and respect.


  • Fast paced short meeting and announcements
  • Active and varied song list
  • New music added regularly
  • “Hour of Power”
  • Quarteting or VLQ
  • Fun vocal and physical warmups – with explanation on what the value/lesson is
  • Sectionals with value
  • Active music teams
  • Education
  • Coaching
  • Member recognition
  • Point out health benefits
  • Make members feel important
  • Use talents and grow skills
  • Opportunity for ownership of the chapter

M & M Working Together

After two successful Marketing Zoom meetings, there are concerns over marketing for new members and audience. The most pressing issue seems to be recruitment and retention in a pandemic world. Covid has cut deep into many chapters.

For a look at some of the membership ideas click on the M&M cover  — or CLICK HERE to download a pdf file.

Strengthen & Grow Your Chapter: Host a "harmony cabaret"

Alberta Harmony Cabaret Makes History

The Stampede City Chorus hosted an historical event on October 1st and invited singers, family members, and friends to spend a fun afternoon full of singing, visiting, good food, and tons of fun!  This first-of-its-kind event was a mash up of an Afterglow with a Harmony Platoon, activities that have been showing up in connection with more and more barbershop convention/contest weekends because of the informal camaraderie that is such an important part of our barbershop experience.

<<download the article, photos, and ad>>




more ideas

Host a Bring-a-Friend Special Event
Idea:  Invite a special coach for an evening and treat it like a party: make invitations, plan treats and even entertainment. Then pass out invitations to your members and invite them to come – and ask them to bring a friend to enjoy the fun evening with your chapter.


There’s nothing like giving a gift of song.  This can be a very simple project for a chapter to do … just hop in cars and agree to just “appear” somewhere to sing to everyone who walks by.  You might pick a store, or a nearby mall, or even a street corner.  In “flash mob” style start singing a simple, recognizable song to whoever is near.  At, or near the end of, the song start mingling and sharing how fun it is to sing with your friends.
