Marketing Tips
Evergreen Chapter
Marketing Advisor
Greg Kronlund, the Evergreen District Chapter Marketing Advisor is a 41-year Sales and Marketing Consultant for commercial broadcast radio. A 17- year Barbershopper and 14-year NASCAR Official.
Product, Price, Place, and Promotion are the four principles of marketing. What is your Product and what sets it apart from other entertainment organizations? How does Price encourage or discourage your audience? Place is how your customer will find you, both physically and emotionally. Once you’ve decided those three you can move to Promotion (advertising). Each activity of your Chapter will require a distinct set of P’s.
<Before viewing this video it will be helpful to download the Marketing Planning Worksheet>
“A lot of little successes eventually lead to big successes.”

JANUARY: Planning
Planning can happen anytime, but sooner is always better than later. Here are five thoughts you can start with anytime.
My suggestion is to make a pledge to get it done.
Understanding the 4-Ps fully, will help you build your marketing plans which will then make it easier to create the action plan.
Keep in mind that advertising is NOT the beginning, it
is a result of the first three Ps.
Click for Flip-Book Version

March: Think SWOT
SWOT is a method of finding your Chapter’s qualities that you can build upon. It is an unflinching look at your weaknesses, areas you can improve and opportunities you might miss.
Thoughts About S.W.O.T
We often find that we “don’t see the forest for the trees”, a SWOT will help you clear away the clutter.
NEW- SWOT Your Chapter Flipbook
April: Show Planner
So, it’s time for your annual show. If you have a summer show, now is the time to start making your plan of action.
April: Thought Starters
Build your first three P’s to guide you on the promotional side.
Work ahead of your event

May: Leadership
The VP of Marketing and PR should be proactive. The VP M/PR is responsible to advise each “department” how best to approach their assigned activity.
VP M/PR is
Leadership Position
Learn how to become a ship-builder in your chapter.
June: Best Marketing Tool?
This month contains thoughts on Best Marketing Tool, What if you held a guest night and nobody came? Plus you can sing too.
June: Marketing Ideas
Why do we keep barbershop to ourselves?
We stay cloistered in our rehearsal space, we entertain each other singing tags, and we rely on one or two members to sell sixty tickets each. Sing to your community and sing it well.
July: External Relationships
The VP of marketing is also in charge of Public Relations which means developing the Chapter Externally:

August: Review and Expand
It’s August and things slow down. This makes it a great month to review your plans, your goals, your accomplishments, and your setbacks.
Review your Marketing plan. Does your action plan remain the same or does it need modification?
Are there any chapter events you can expand on right now?
September: Elections and Social Media
Fall is a time for new energy. Elections of Officers is a month away. Christmas Shows and events are in the works… This month Marketing Tidbits takes a look at:
How to Find Your Next Marketing VP
October: Advertising

Let’s Talk Advertising and Promotion
This Month think about how you plan to advertising, how much budget to provide for advertising, and how to stretch your advertising dollars.
Check out these
November: Singing Valentines Month

Seems a little early? Not really- Pre-planning and organization are your best friends.
Don’t wait until February 1st to start your plan… get your members excited NOW….
Here’s a new look at an old event:
Singing Valentines Planning Months
View Singing Valentines ZOOM Workshop
December: This -and-That

Over the course of 2022 the Evergreen District held eleven ZOOM Marketing Workshops.
Here’s a few ideas that were brought up…
Click on: This-and-That
Selling Your Chapter
by Larry Osterman,
Evergreen Communications Team
One of the ongoing challenges for choruses is how to increase community engagement – basically, how do you let your community know you exist. If your chorus isn’t the kind of chorus that can easily sell out a 1000 seat venue for your shows, it can be a bit of a challenge to figure out how to let the community know about you.
And why does letting the community know matter? Well, that’s where you get your members. And that’s where you get your customers (whether they be for your shows, Singing Valentines, or whatever). see more……

If your chapter would like to do some “Random Acts of Harmony,” consider submitting an application to the Bud Leabo Memorial Fund to help with expenses.
THE PLAN: At an appointed time, the singers randomly walk into a business to shop and just casually meet (maybe while standing in a check-out line – or around the vegetable bins) and start singing a fun, short song to the amazement of everyone around. After the song is over, the singers pass out “RAH” cards (sample below) with their chapter contact information on the back and an invitation to come visit a chapter meeting.