District communications
Evergreen District’s Communication Team is like a two-way street – sharing Individual, Chapter and District news back and forth throughout the District.
Our goal is to be the COMMUNICATION HUB, connecting/sharing great ideas with others who are looking for ideas — and also serving as a HELP DESK for finding answers to questions that pop up in our barbershop worlds.
Chapter activities and projects are currently being featured via our news channels but also posted on our Marketing and Membership webpages for others to read and possibly get ideas from.
If you have any questions, contact Greg Kronlund.
Greg Kronlund – Director of Communications (communications@evgdistrict.com)
Timbre: Bob Robson, Doug Gardner
Greensheet: David Dobson / Laura Pennington
Chapter Leader News: Communications team
Facebook: Duncan Gilman
Greg Kronlund (marketing@evgdistrict.com)
Judy Galloway (webmaster@evgdistrict.com)
Click on headings to view recent issues
TIMBRE is prepared quarterly, on the 1st of March, June, September, and December and posted immediately on the TIMBRE page of the website for all of Evergreen’s members to enjoy reading and downloading. Articles and photos are due on the 25th of the month prior to posting.
GREENSHEET contains information about coming show, events, and activites. It is emailed monthly, on the 1st, to all members* of the Evergreen District. Articles and photos are due on the 25th for inclusion in next month’s issue.
CHAPTER LEADER NEWS is emailed monthly, on the 15th, and contains tips and reminders for our Chapter Leaders* and Directors* in the Evergreen District. Articles and photos are due on the 10th to be included in that month’s issue.
*We pull the most current member information from the BHS Member Center monthly. If you are not receiving EVG news or publications:
- Check your spam/junk folders to see if your email program is setting them aside.
- Login to the Member Center and update your contact information.
Other Sources for information:

1941 – Present
BHS has a digitized collection of all Harmonizers available for your viewing starting from 1941 to present!!
SPEED SEARCH: Click on the Indexed Harmonizer Articles link to open spreadsheets with almost 100,000 articles that have appeared in the Harmonizers over the years. “Find” your favorite group or person and the list will give you the year, month of publication, and the page number so you can go view the article in the archived issues.